More Than Just Reading in One Book One Sullivan

Photo by RR Best
Pictured is Sullivan high school and One Book One Sullivan organizer Rikki Ray (right), along with retired teachers and helpers (left to right, background) Lois Shuman, Carol Glazebrook, and Martha Sherer. The reading group just concluded another successful year after it held its final community book discussion on its latest read, “Unstoppable.”
March 11, 2015
In eighth year, group just as strong as ever
by Ariana Cherry
Arthur/Sullivan Reporter
Not only can a good storyline reside within the pages of a book but so can the opportunity for a good conversation. Sullivan middle school student, Sarah DeLong, wanted to get the conversation started when she was inspired by the Mattoon reading group, Read Across Mattoon. She had come across a book that the group had been reading while at Common Grounds. DeLong had asked language arts teacher Rikki Ray about possibly starting something similar in Sullivan. “How could I turn her down?” replied Ray. After writing a grant to the Sullivan Community Education Foundation, One Book One Sullivan was formed in 2007.