Moultrie Co. Retired Teachers Association Meet

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Moultrie County Retired Teachers
Association 2021 Scholarship Recipient
Carlie Towle, is the high school scholarship recipient for 2021 of the Moultrie County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship. She plans to attend college to major in Elementary Education this fall. Pictured is Carlie Towle (left) with Karen Edwards.
•June 30, 2021•
The Moultrie County Retired Teachers Association met June 2, at the First Christian Church in Sullivan. President Jane McKown opened the meeting by welcoming members both in person and via Zoom, as well as guests. She asked the members a few humorous questions about the time they spent at home during the Pandemic. She also read selections from the book, Apples of Gold, and the book of Psalms. She then led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Karen Edwards introduced Carlie Towle, the high school scholarship recipient for 2021, who spoke to the members about her plans to attend college and to major in Elementary Education this fall.
LaVonne Chaney spoke to members about several current topics of interest. The IRTA is now in partnership with the Illinois Principals Association. The Area 5 Conference will be held virtually. The recent state budget fully funds the pension fund. Primary elections are being moved, and Moultrie County may be affected by recent redistricti Login or Subscribe to read the rest of this story.