Moultrie County Child Care Efforts Continue

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The first round of Moultrie County Childcare grant funding is being distributed to current eligible providers in Moultrie County. Rita Florey (right) presents a check to Linda Featherling, a childcare provider in Sullivan (left).
•May 24, 2023•
Submitted by Rita Florey
A community group spearheaded by the Sullivan Chamber and Economic Development organization to explore new ways to support and grow child care options in Moultrie County, Illinois, is continuing efforts forward to support child care in the local community.
The group formally kicked off its initial efforts in January of this year, contracting with Business of Child Care, which helps communities nationwide identify child care needs and develop plans to address them. Through those efforts, Moultrie County Kids set a goal of creating 100 new child care spaces, as well as supporting and retaining 205 existing spaces already in the county.
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