Moultrie County Democrat Central Committee Selects Candidate to Finish County Clerk Term

Rita Coleman Florey
•August 3, 2022•
by Ellen Ferrera
NP Writer
Tim Singer, Committee Chairman for the Moultrie County Democrat Committee, announced that the committee is recommending Rita Coleman Florey to serve as the interim Moultrie County Clerk filling Georgia England’s position until the November 22 election is completed.
According to the Statute, “The vacancy shall be filled within 60 days by appointment of the Chairman of the county board with the advice and consent of the county board.” The appointment must be of the same political party as Mrs. England, a Democrat.
Singer said of the appointment, “Mrs. Florey has many years of administrative experience as principal of the Sullivan Elementary School, as well as vast experience in dealing with the public. We believe she will bring stability to the office.”
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