Moultrie County Farm Bureau Farm Tour Visits Reedy Farm

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Moultrie County Farm Bureau Treasurer Lucas Roney explains the several types of equipment farmers use throughout the year to Sullivan third grade students.
•April 11, 2018•
The Moultrie County Farm Bureau held their annual Ag Education Farm Tour Friday, March 16 at Mike and Joel Reedy’s farm in rural Lovington. More than 100 students went through farm machinery, farm safety, chemical look-a-like, seed and livestock stations.
The farm tour gave local schools a chance to bring their pre-school and third grade classes out and learn about a day on the farm. The children learned about seed, fertilizer, equipment costs and the steps the farmer takes in preparing the fields from planting through harvesting the crops.
Students were also taught about chemical look-a-likes presented by Angie Welker from the University of Illinois Extension.
Jonathon Manuel from Champaign SWCD demonstrated the rainfall simulator which visually taught students how rainfall is affected by the type of surface it connects with and how water runoff occurs on particular surfaces.
Okaw Valley FFA led the livestock and ATV safety stations.