Moultrie County Farm Bureau Serves More Than Farmers

Tyler Harvey
•January 29, 2020•
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
The Illinois Farm Bureau (officially the Illinois Agriculture Association) was founded in Illinois in 1916 and in Moultrie County in 1918.
It is a private entity that provides education and information to help farmers while supporting legislation and lobbying for agricultural issues.
The IAA supports many affiliates such as Country Financial, GrowMark, FS, Prairie Farms Dairy and the beef, pork, corn and soybean associations along with the county Farm Bureaus.
Today there are 96 county Farm Bureaus in Illinois with 400,000 members. Approximately 25% of the Illinois population works in the agricultural industry. Agriculture is, after all, the largest industry in Illinois.
Since 2014 Tyler Harvey has been the Farm Bureau Manager for both Moultrie and Douglas counties.
“I wear a lot of hats.,” Harvey says of his various duties. “One day I may be in a suit attending a Springfield meeting and the next day in jeans touring a farm. Advocacy on so many levels comprises a lot of our work.”
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