Moultrie County Retired Teachers Meet at Historical Society Building

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Pam Wood and Gail Price of the Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society gave members of the Moultrie County Retired Teachers Association a tour of the society’s new building during MCRTA’s most recent meeting.
•October 26, 2022•
The Moultrie County Retired Teachers Association met October 5, 2022, at the Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society’s newly remodeled building south of Sullivan. President Jane McKown welcomed members and guests. Incoming President, Vicki Newberry, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vicki thanked the Lovington teachers for being the hostesses for this meeting. Judy Uphoff introduced Gail Price and Pam Wood who led us on a very interesting tour of the new Historical Society building, describing many of the displays and items they have displayed. We are anxious to return when the many plans for murals are finished and more items are displayed.
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