Moultrie-Douglas Crops Off to a Great Start
•June 15, 2016•
By Tyler Harvey
Douglas-Moultrie Farm Bureau Manager
As of Sunday, June 12, the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has Illinois corn condition rated at 58% good with 17% of the corn crop excellent. Soybeans are at 90% planted as of this week with a condition rating of 62% good and 13% excellent. NASS comes out with a weekly updated crop report every Monday at 3 p.m.
Driving between Tuscola and Sullivan and looking at various crops, the 2016 crop is off to a great start. It is amazing to see the growth and size of some of the cornfields for being in June. Early beans that were emerged in cooler temperatures are also looking very good. We have been fortunate to not get the heavy rains that were received south of us during planting season. I expect the crop percentages for good and excellent to increase with the overall weather we are having at this time. The very warm temperatures we are receiving right now are making for very good growing degree days especially for corn. However, looking at the long range forecast, upper 80s and 90s are slated to stick around throughout the rest of the month. With this, we will need to get some measurable rainfall every few days to keep the crop growth at the level it is. With the warm temperatures, wind and sun, it does not take long for the moisture to be pulled out of the ground. Illinois, Iowa and Indiana are all reporting similar percentages for both corn and soybean conditions.
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