Moultrie Moment of the Week

Pictured above are workers from Metalizing Co. of America in the 1980’s. It was located in the old Brown Shoe Factory building on Hamilton St. in Sullivan. Here are names for front row: Justin Thunder hill, Val Candage, Linda Reed, John Cook, Larry Newlin, Richard Lentz, Jim Dearnbarger, Randy Lane, Sue Shain & Hardy Kroel. 2nd row is somewhat in dispute: Bill Brackemyre, Tom Bray, Mel Newlin, Mr. Vandeveer or Vaderhorn, Mike Titus, Ralph Bates, Jim Craig, Mike Edmonds, George King, Dan Suddarth, Mark Titus. Please submit photos to the News Progress for future consideration. Originals will be saved for return or forwarded to Moultrie County Historical Society. If you have any other information, please contact the Moultrie County Historical Society at 217-728- 4085.