Moultrie Moment of the Week

Pictured above is the Shepherd/McMullin/Gaddis home on State St. in Lovington. This home was built by M.T. Shepherd in the late 1800s. M.T. and his brother had a very successful store in Lovington and M.T. decided to go into the banking business. He built and opened the Home and Deposit Bank on the SW corner of the yard of this home. The bank was demolitioned when he expanded his business at the turn of the century. The new bank became Shepherd’s National bank and was located on the north side of State St. where Pauline Hoover’s insurance office used to be, which is now owned by the Millers. He died in 1903 and his sons took over. The home was sold to the McMullins several years later and became the first funeral home in Lovington. In the early 1960’s, the home was sold to the Gaddis family. They operated a nursing home in it for many years. A large fire completely destroyed the old home and a new structure was raised from the old foundation. Please submit photos to the News Progress for future consideration. Originals will be saved for return or forwarded to Moultrie County Historical Society. If you have any other information, please contact the Moultrie County Historical Society at 217-728- 4085.