NCA Month for C.E.F.S.
•May 3, 2017•
C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation is celebrating 52 years of service in Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Shelby, Moultrie, Christian, and Montgomery counties. C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation is celebrating Community Action Month in May.
That is dedicated to recognizing the success of the national Community Action Agency network that fights poverty across the United States. This month, C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation engage in programs and events that showcase anti-poverty work in local communities.
“Community Action Month is a wonderful time to honor and celebrate the impact Community Action has in the lives of families and communities across the country,” stated Paul White, Chief Executive Officer. White further stated, “Agencies are successful every day in helping families achieve economic security. Given that the needs of each family and community are unique, Community Action is able to use a range of resources and programs to meet local needs in creative and impactful ways.”
White continued, “This past year, our agency has served nearly 16,000 people in the seven-county service area and empowered them to attain self-sufficiency. This year our Head Start 0-5 Program served 501 children and 488 families by providing a comprehensive educational development program to enhance children’s cognitive and social development. Our agency Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Program’s job training program served 206 adults with those adults after training entering employment at a rate of 90.24%. Our Meals on Wheels Program of C.E.F.S. served nearly 84,000 hot and nutritious congregate and home delivered meals to seniors over 60 years of age. Our Central Illinois Public Transportation Program provided a total of 127,466 trips to people in need of transportation in the service area. The Community Services Block Grant Program sponsored by C.E.F.S. provided post-secondary educational scholarship opportunities to income-eligible individuals and provides direct client assistance to help people transition from needing temporary assistance to having economic security and helping working families make ends meet. Our work changes lives and strengthens our entire community.”