Obituaries 7-24-2019: Marylin Stables
Marylin Stables
Marylin Kay (Taylor) Von Lanken–Stables,
Jan. 1, 1934 – July 3, 2019
“Special K”, a life about others. By Scott Von Lanken (Son)
When I think back to high school, one of my friends used to call my mom “Special K”. It was funny and endearing back then, but now “Special K” takes on different meaning for me. Because in 1965 when the world was about “Free Love” and “The Summer of Love” my mom demonstrated what love was all about.
There are only two times in my life where I have felt so overwhelmed with gratefulness and thankfulness that it literally stops you. The first was when I realized my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ knows me, loves me, died and rose for me, rescued me from myself, and now calls me Son. The second was when I thought about my mom, Marylin Kay (Taylor) Von Lanken–Stables, who could not bear children of her own, and instead, adopted three children, Scott, Craig and Emily.
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