Okaw Valley Grads Honored

Photo by RR Best
Dylan Park adjusts his cap before Okaw Valley High School graduation ceremonies in Bethany Sunday, May 29. Thirty three graduates received diplomas during the outdoor ceremony. PTO Provides
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•June 1, 2016•
Seventy five students were recognized with Okaw Valley High School Awards prior to graduation.
Thirty-three OVHS graduates gathered under sunny skies in Bethany at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 29 for commencement.
Okaw Valley High School recognized more than 75 students for their academic achievement and awarded several scholarships May 11. Eastern Illinois University scholarship was presented to senior Devan Nave, Lake Land College presented scholarships to Nicole Miller, Gretchen Macklin, and Adam Bricker.
Other scholarships presented include the Toby J Jump Memorial to Alex Martin, George A Sentel Lodge #764 to Devon Meredith, Jackson Masonic Lodge to Nicole Miller, American Red Cross to Charli Uhlrich, Okaw Valley Education Association to Nicole Miller, Bethany Sons of the American Legion to Race Underwood, Angela Marie Diss Memorial to Nicole Miller, Community Service to Charli Uhlrich, Overlot Memorial to Nicole Miller, Psi Iota Xi winners Charli Uhlrich and Race Underwood, OV Booster to Alex Martin and Charli Uhlrich. Receiving the Eastern Star Scholarship was Madison Fox, and Findlay Fireman’s Association recipients Charli Uhlrich and Robbie Stiner. Other special recognition awards were presented to Alex Martin and Nicole Miller for LOVC Student Athletes as well as Army Scholar Athletes. Brianna Creviston was recognized as a delegate at Youth Day to Springfield and Gretchen Macklin received the DAR award. Gretchen Macklin, Alex Martin, Nicole Miller, Nick Tipsword, and Charli Uhlrich were honored as Illinois State Scholars. Receiving honors as Heartland Students of the Quarter were Jasmine Guzzie, Cole Thompson, Preston Gibbons, and Brianna Clardy. Those students receiving perfect attendance for the entire year were Quinn Brooks, Tyus Brooks, Taylor Coleman, Race Underwood, Shelby Hagerman, Preston Gibbons, and Isabella Benning. Sophie Zimmerman received the volunteer of the year award from the Heartland Mini Hooves. Gretchen Macklin, Alex Martin, Nicole Miller, Charli Uhlrich, and Race Underwood received recognition from the CBAI.
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