Powerhouse Cast Drives “Sound of Music”

Photo by Keith Stewart Pictured is Sam Mulligan of Sullivan (left) as Friedrich von Trapp, and Lukas Mills (right) as Kurt von Trapp walking Maria Rainer, played by Leah Berry, center, to her wedding in the second act of the “Sound of Music”.
July 16, 2014
Grand set design, intricate costuming add to show’s strength
By Dan Hagen
NP Theatre Critic
A few minutes into the first act, the Little Theatre’s “The Sound of Music” turns perfect.
It’s the famous “Do-Re-Mi” number sung by the young would-be nun-turned-governess Maria (Leah Berry) and Captain von Trapp’s children (Sam Mulligan, Sydni Mulligan and Maddie Keller, all of Sullivan, Lukas Mills, Izzy Miller and Piper Countryman).
In a lesser production, those children can be precocious annoyances, too cute by half. But director John Stephens has given his cast a dazzling clockwork charm here and provided us with one of those live theatre moments when audience and performers are in radiant unison.