Preventing Unwanted Surprises from Affecting Benefits
•October 7, 2015•
By Gerald Tilley
Social Security District Manager in Decatur, IL
Most people love surprises, but many dislike change. It’s just the opposite with Social Security. If you receive benefits, we want to hear about your changes.
Keeping us informed minimizes the chance that we learn about something later that could negatively affect your benefits. That’s the surprise no one wants because it creates overpayments that you must repay, disrupts payments, and can even jeopardize your entitlement to Social Security benefits.
Here is a reminder of some of the most common forms of information Social Security needs from you.
Your address and direct deposit information. We need to know your current mailing address and phone number so we can reach you if needed. This is especially important if you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) since where you live can change the amount of your SSI benefits.
When your direct deposit information is not current, it can cause headaches with missing or delayed payments. You can update your address or direct deposit information when you register for a my Social Security account at
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