Private Donor Allows for New Moultrie K-9 Unit Purchase

Photo by RR Best
Pictured is Moultrie County deputy Caleb Smith along with the department’s K-9 next to the latest vehicle addition–a 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe fully equipped and valued at over $62,000. The purchase was made possible by a recent private donation.
Vehicle, equipment valued at over $62,000
April 22, 2015
by Ariana Cherry
Arthur/Sullivan Reporter
The county’s K9 unit is now riding in style and improved capability.
With an older vehicle having taken its fair share of wear and tear not to mention proving unfit to accommodate storage of all their equipment, the sheriff’s department was in need of a new K-9 unit.
One large anonymous donation later, the department was in business.
Now in their fleet sits a fully decked out 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe along with new K-9 equipment–paid for in full by a private donor. The total amount given from the anonymous donor was $62,549.
Miles Chevrolet in Decatur allowed the department to purchase the Tahoe at $33,190. The rest of the funds were put towards the addition of the K-9 equipment.
According to Sheriff Chris Sims and Deputy Caleb Smith, a 2012 Chevrolet Impala was already in place with the unit, but it was difficult getting around in inclement weather, and there wasn’t always enough storage space.
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