PTO Provides Much-Needed Funds for SES

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Pie in the Face was done for Box Top Collection at Sullivan Elementary School. The students are Rhyder Pierce on the left and Liam Donovan on the right. The teachers are Melissa Haegen on the left, Micah Heddins in the middle, and Kurt Friese on the right. Students got to play the “Pie in the Face” game as a reward for collecting box tops in December.
•May 4, 2016•
The continued underfunding of schools in Illinois is no secret. For years now, the state of Illinois has balked on fully funding its schools as promised. As a result of these difficult times caused by budgetary constraint, schools have been forced to turn to outside sources to help fund activities. Fortunately, the Sullivan PTO has stepped up its efforts to provide opportunities for the students of Sullivan Elementary School.
PTO is an integral part of the elementary school. They help fund varying activities, including but not limited, to assemblies, field trips, and tickets for all students to see a play at the Little Theatre on the Square. The PTO also gives teachers money to spend in the classroom for supplies, as well as different apps for use with iPads and other technological resources that are used to supplement instruction. Numerous fundraising activities take place throughout the year, such as “Art to Remember” and Box Top collection. The PTO provides great incentives for students to bring in box tops (which may be exchanged for money to be spent in the classroom). One example occurred earlier in the year when students who turned in box tops got a chance to hit their teachers or the principal in the face with a pie.
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