Remember When? 1-24-2018
25 Years Ago This Week
Paul and Bev Ozier of Lovington are getting a big pay back from daily bird feeding and watering activities during the winter. They see the birds are fed and on winter mornings the Oziers peer out their back window to watch cardinals, finches, blue jays, titmice, brown-headed cow birds, woodpeckers, winter wrens, chickadees and doves.
Cindy Richardson was named assistant vice-president and Julie McClain assistant cashier, in an announcement from First National Bank board chairman Harry Wilson.
Margie Brewer of Bethany was nominated as candidate for multi-township assessor of the Dora/Marrowbone Multi Township District during a recent caucus by the Democrat party. She will face Republican David R. McCabe in the April 20 township election.
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