Remember When? 4-17-2019
25 Years Ago This Week
Dick Nelson of the Lovington Area Development Committee reported that the committee had applied for the Governor’s Hometown Award. Representatives from the governor’s office and city officials will meet with members of the LADC to evaluate the application.
Knighting was one of the events held as part of the annual Medieval Fair held in the Sullivan Middle School gym. Trumpets were played by Chester Reeder, Alan Knobloch and Sally Mundy. Amanda Corzine and Jennifer Auten told a story of Eleanor of Aquitane who was known for ruling two lands. Melissa Davis, Josie Harris, Chelsey Peters and Mary Reed were the jesters who amused the king and queen. Two kings and two queens ruled the gym each hour. Queens: Krista Boyce and Crystal Norton, first hour; April Collins and April Kimery, second hour; Kari Taylor and Georgine Nunn, third hour. Kings: Robert Cole and Corey Parks, first hour; Dylan Dudley and Dusty Brownlee, second hour; Jon Livergood and Andy Maxedon, third hour. Dubbed as knights were Angela Perry, Curtis Suhl, John Ray, Matt Rutledge, Michael Perry and Johnny Gillon.
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