Remember When? 7.29.15
25 Years Ago This Week
Chantel Scherer of Sullivan, a member of the Northern Illinois University golf team, was recently named NIU Sportswoman for 1990. She received her award for sportsmanship, academic and athletic contributions to the Lady Huskies golf team.
Thirty-nine youngsters participated in the 1990 4-H Fishing Derby held July 10 in Wyman Park. Travis Bunch won a tackle box for catching the biggest fish, and Chelsey Peters won a bait box for catching the most fish. Other awards were won by Dane Jackson, who won a mini tackle for being the first 4-H’er to catch a fish; Karen McCall, who won a gift certificate for making the best effort; Missy Gillen, who won a kite for being the 4-H’er to catch the smallest fish and Jeremy Helton, who won a kite for being the smallest fisherman.