Remember When? 8-1-2018
25 Years Ago This Week
Illinois Army National Guardsmen assigned to the Sullivan Battalion headed out to battle the flood on the Mississippi River. Approximately 50 guardsmen assigned to Sullivan have been activated to go south while putting their lives on hold. Area communities are pitching in for flood relief. Volunteers from Bethany are collecting donations to be delivered to the Quincy area. Lovington residents are collecting paper products, hygiene items and non-perishable food while members of the Sullivan American Legion are collecting canned goods.
The Moultrie-Douglas Fair was the scene of the 4-H food and clothing shows. Illinois State Fair representatives in the food division will be Paige Clark of Dalton City, Allison Patrick of Bethany, Heidi Crawford of Sullivan and Sarah Jackson of Lovington. Cassandra Jackson of Lovington and Nicole McCabe of Bethany are alternates. Champions in the food division are Ryan Parsons, Tricks and Treats; Christopher Minnis, Let’s Start Cooking; Patrick and Clark, Breads and Cereals; Alyssa Gilmore, Dairy Foods; Angelina Berg, Outdoor Foods I and Heather Mariner, Outdoor Foods II. In the clothing division, Allison Patrick was chosen as a state fair representative, Denise Albert of Dalton City will serve as a delegate. Lynnae Robinson and Meg Reedy were selected as alternates.
Wheelchair athletes Scot Hollonbeck and fellow racer Tony Iniguez, both of Champaign, recently visited Hollonbeck’s grandparents in Sullivan after racing from Champaign to Sullivan via country roads. The two men, who are racing around the country to train for the 1996 Olympics, have recently formed a program called Wheels for the World which is helping the handicapped in underdeveloped countries.
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