Secret Santa Shares Spirit Of Giving All Year Long

Photo by Keith Stewart
Sullivan High Schooler Beretta Phelps puts the finishing touches on the gift wrapping at Shopko last Thursday. She along with other high school students helped wrap gifts as they were purchased through Secret Santa, which this year has seen an increase in the need for assistance.
Program sees increase in need for assistance this year
by Ariana Cherry
Arthur/Sullivan Reporter
Fifteen years ago a young child had wished for a bicycle for Christmas. While it was one of the few things he had asked for, his parents were unable to afford it because of a financial hardship. The story soon found its way to John Love, chief of the Sullivan Police Department. He wanted nothing more than to make this dream come true for the young child. Love made arrangements to “accidentally” bump into the child at the former Pamida store in Sullivan.
While in the bicycle section, Love approached him and said, “I am buying a bike for someone about your age. If you could have a bicycle, what would it look like?” The young child described the colors and then pointed out a bicycle that had caught his eye. Love commented that the bicycle was very nice, and then replied, “Merry Christmas. The bike is yours.” Nothing at that point and time could explain the expression that came on the young child’s face.
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