SES Students Bring Wax Museum Characters to Life
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Walt Disney, a.k.a. SES fourth grader Chance Schoonover, explains how Disney grew from the success of Mickey Mouse.
•May 22, 2019•
Sullivan Elementary School students turned to wax Thursday, May 16.
Fourth grade students became famous people from history during the annual wax museum held in the elementary school gym.
The Wax Museum included four fourth grade classes of Drew Campbell, Kurt Friese, Nichole Hendry and Kay Lehman. Two classes presented in the morning and two in the afternoon.
“The students first selected their characters three to four weeks ago,” Lehman began. “They had to research and prepare a report of the person.”
The work was just beginning as students then developed a slide show on iPads to incorporate into the wax museum display. A presentation board was created along with an authentic costume and a speech.
The weeks of speech writing and practice, costume making and research paid off as the gymnasium filled with wax figures was activated for students, parents and the general public.
“Each student is to stand still like a wax figure until the star in front of their display is stepped on,” Lehman said.
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