SES Teacher Takes to YouTube to Introduce Students in Creative Fashion
So successful, England receives video response
by Jake Dilley
Reporting in Sullivan

Photo by Keith Stewart
Sullivan Elementary School first grader Kya Allen is greeted by her teacher Scott England Monday morning.
Monday marked a big week for area students. In what for some children can be a scary or intimidating first week of school, one local educator has decided to dispel those fears in exchange for some lighthearted and welcoming karaoke via YouTube.
Sullivan Elementary’s Scott England let his first graders know that this year was going to be a fun one by making a video and parody of Carly Rae Jepsen’s popular song “Call Me Maybe” all while welcoming his students to his first grade class in style.
England first had the idea last summer when “Call Me Maybe” had become a big hit on the radio, and he began toying with the words. Busy with commitments though, it wasn't until this summer when England joked with his wife about making the video that she told him that he should actually do it. And like any good husband, he listened, writing the song in just one day, recording it himself, and in total, completing the video all in less than a week.
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