Sheep to Clothing Event Spins at Illinois Amish Heritage Center

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First step in spinning wool into thread is getting the wool. Sheep shearing provides the wool that spins into thread that turns into cloth.
•May 22, 2019•
As the spinning wheel turns, the history of Illinois Amish heritage is revealed in a Sheep to Clothing event Saturday, June 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The fascinating process behind spinning wool fibers into thread will be demonstrated live that day. A spinning wheel made by E.J. Miller in 1864, traveled from Somerset Co., Pa. with the founding three families of the Amish settlement in the Arthur area. It was recovered from the attic of the Moses Yoder home and will be on display during the Sheep to Clothing event.
That spinning wheel spent many years in the attic of the oldest home in the community, the Moses Yoder home, and will be on display.
“It’s a wonder it’s together at all,” Ervin Yoder, grandson of Moses said. “When we were kids, we used to play with it all the time.”
A Nine Patch on Point quilt believed to be made by Moses’ niece, Barbara Yoder Otto, was the inspiration for the Illinois Amish Heritage Center quilt logo and will be among the display quilts.
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