Simple and in Abundance

Photo by Keith Stewart
Pictured is Brandi Novak, the owner of the newly opened primative/antique store Simpler Thymes, located at 110 E Harrison next door to the Sullivan Bakery.
New antique store opens in Sullivan
•July 29, 2015•
By Nick Fiala
Reporting in Sullivan
It is often said that every success story starts with a dream. In this case, it is a dream and an enormous collection of beautifully-aged odds and ends that Brandi Novak is using to start her own antique store, Simpler Thymes, located on Harrison Street, just east of the Little Theatre.
“I taught second-grade here.” said Novak, who is a former sales director and held her grand opening for the store over this last weekend. “I really enjoy the town; I think it’s a great area [and] they’re really doing a lot with it. New business is coming in, and that was a big factor in my decision to open here.”
A love for auctions and sales led Novak to start her own collections and open booths in places such as B&J Antiques and Copper Eagle in Charleston. But she said this opening, arranged since June, is an opportunity for her to realize a long-time goal and combine it with a deep personal interest.
“I’ve always been interested in being self-employed.” Novak said. “It still can be flexible when I need it to be...I’ve had antique booths for about seven years [and] I thought ‘it’s now or never’.”