SMS Science Trip – Accidentally Learning While Having Fun

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It was snorkeling day at Rainbow River for the 24 Sullivan school students taking the Science Trip to Florida.
•June 27, 2018•
By Mike Brothers
The fifth annual Sullivan school science trip was taken to Tampa, Fla. June 11-14 with 24 students attending.
“It was a way for the kids to have four days of fun while accidentally learning something along the way,” said science teacher Troy Rogers who leads the every other year trip for interested middle school students.
He explained the trip is through World Strides and is not a school district function. Rogers and his wife Kari chaperoned along with Aaron Kirk and Kimberly Wallace who had attended the 2010 trip.
Geared for those interested in science and nature, student vacationers dissected squid at Clearwater Marine Aquarium and even got to swim with manatees.
Rogers noted that the group learned about the manatee family with the baby manatee impressing the kids with its playfulness.
“This is a short trip, early in the week so those involved in other summer activities could get back and not miss anything,” Rogers said, explaining that son Drew got back in time for basketball camp.
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