Sparrows Celebrate Silver with Lovington Show
Photo by Barry Morgan
This truckload of rock was among the first Sparrows’ grand prizes.
Cars, Trucks, Bikes, Tractors and More
•May 15, 2019•
A quarter of a century ago, a group of people got together at Jerry’s East End in Lovington to hold a live auction and just have a good time.
A good time was had, and Sparrows Unlimited Inc. was born.
Incredible items were up for bid including a truckload of rock and a brand new weed eater… and only after the bidding did the winners find out what they won. The truckload of rock, a toy truck with a handful of rocks. The weed eater, a live rabbit. And who can forget the door prize, an actual outhouse door.
“We raised approximately $500 from the auction and sold memberships for a dollar. In six months time we sold about 2,000 memberships,” Tom Brown, one of the originals said, noting they had to figure out what to do with the money.
“It was decided at our second meeting to use the money for needy children in the Lovington community and keep enough back for a free dinner for the members. The meal would consist of fried bologna, fried potatoes, green beans and pork and beans.”
And every auction since has included that fried bologna.
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