Special “Sullivan Toffee” to be Featured at Saturday’s Candy Sale

Photo by Keith Stewart
Sisters Devon and Ann Flesor, owners of Flesor’s Candy Kitchen in Tuscola, are seen above with various Christmas box and tin candy sets, which will be availble for purchase at this Saturday’s candy sale at the Coffee Bean from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The sale will donate 20 percent of its proceeds to the Moultrie County food pantry.
Annual sale to see how much can be donated back to food pantry
by Keith Stewart
Devon Flesor thinks Sullivan is, well, a little nutty–but in a loving way. So much in fact, the part-owner of the famous Tuscola candy store is making a special toffee–Sullivan Toffee–that is chuck full of different varieties of nuts just for the one-day candy sale to be held this coming Saturday at the Coffee Bean on Sullivan’s square.
“I thought, as a silly pun, I would make a toffee that is full of all different kinds of nuts, just like Sullivan,” joked Flesor. “I’ve never made this before…usually we make a standard English toffee that just has walnuts, but I’m going to chuck this thing full of nuts and call it Sullivan toffee, and I’m only making it for this sale.”
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