Sullian Educators Recognized

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Sullian Educators Recognized
The Sullivan Education Association (SEA) with the support of the Sullivan School District recognized a teacher from each building and one support staff member of the semester. Teachers and support staff members were nominated by their colleagues, and the SEA executive officer chose the recipients. The award is part of the Morale Matters program that was started in the district in 2016 by former SEA president and current FFA teacher Don Lockwood.
The recipients this year all show extreme dedication to their profession, the students, and community of Sullivan. They all go above and beyond what is asked of them, provide a positive learning environment, and show leadership within the district. This year the Chamber of Commerce has generally donated Chamber Bucks for the recipients, and Kevin Landrus donates his time to detail the vehicle for the winner. This year’s recipients are (from right) Don Lockwood (HS), Deena Lee (MS), Lauren Fultz (ES). Inset Cindy Tarr (Support Staff).