Sullivan: A League of Their Own

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It all changed in 1948 when Earl Walker of Walker Road Oilers decided to sponsor a women’s softball team and, for the first time, they had uniforms and a name - “The Walkerettes”! and lost only one game that year to Charleston.
•April 5, 2017•
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
Were you in Wyman Park during the hot summers of the 40s, 50s, 60s munching on popcorn, washing back hot dogs with some cold brewskies and watching Sullivan’s Walkerettes knock a few out of the ball park?
For over 30 years Genny Sutton, who just turned 100 this year, coached, managed and coddled women, their children and even their grandchildren in Sullivan’s only women’s softball league. Sutton founded the league around 1940 and was helped by her husband, son, grandson and countless others to provide summer entertainment to thousands as more than 75 women played on her teams over the years.
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