Sullivan American Legion Plans Old Fashioned 4th Of July
•June 21, 2017•
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
Since July 4, 1919 the veterans of WWI, WWII and subsequent wars have organized and presented Sullivan with a parade, carnival, lunch for parade participants and a spectacular fireworks display – all with volunteers.
Growing up in Bethany, the 4th was always a special day. Mother would pack a groaning basket of sun tea, mouth-watering fried chicken, her special potato salad, baked beans, cherry pie and fruit for a full day at Wyman Park.
There were swimming, a baseball game, horseshoes, maybe a movie, the carnival and my favorite – the fireworks which enchant me to this day.
This year Sullivan American Legion Post #68 would like to bring back that all-day participation where the parade attracted people, the carnival kept them entertained and the fireworks topped off the evening.
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