Sullivan Chamber of Commerce Brings New Dreams to the Community

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Laurrie Minor (left) and Stepheny McMahon (right) are happy to share new ideas for the town of Sullivan in 2016.
•January 27, 2016•
By Kennedy D. Nolen
For the News Progress
As the New Year is upon us, the Sullivan Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development shares their new plans and dreams for the town of Sullivan. Laurrie Minor, chamber administrator, and Stepheny McMahon, director, said they will not only continue their usual events and work from the previous years but will be happy to present fresh ideas to the community throughout 2016.
The Chamber’s annual dinner will be held to discuss an important concept: ‘One Town, One Million Dreams’ Jan. 29 at First United Methodist Church in Sullivan.
McMahon says this idea was given to her by a friend in Marshall who went to eighth grade classrooms, engaging students in workshops where their dreams and goals were discussed.
The Chamber hopes to encourage the kids as well as the rest of the community to share their dreams with each other as a form of support and connecting people.
“Once someone shares an idea, others may relate to it, and the support can motivate one to meet the goal,” McMahon said.
Both Minor and McMahon have started creating their own dream lists and sharing ideas with each other.
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