Sullivan City-wide Clean-up June 20, Recycled Tech July 18
June 3, 2015
The Sullivan city-wide clean up day has been scheduled for June 20, and the city is asking that residents do not put out items such as tires, car parts, liquids such as paint thinners, oils or fuels. Other prohibited items include concrete, bricks, dirt, burnt materials and fluorescent light bulbs as well as any electronics. A full list may be viewed on the city of Sullivan’s website (, and an ad will be placed in the newspaper.
To dispose of appliances, a sticker must be purchased at the city building. Call 728-4383 for details. Items should be placed on the curb by 7 a.m. June 20
Almost a month after the city clean-up, electronics will be accepted and recycled. Residents may bring their electronic items such as computer monitors, desktops, laptops, televisions, CDR’s, video equipment, paper shredders, cameras and MP3s to the Wyman Park parking lot just south of the lake on Saturday, July 18. Drop off will be scheduled from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. According to Commissioner Mike Kirk , the city set a record last year by collecting six tons of recyclable technology. To see a full list of acceptable electronic items, citizens may view the list on the city of Sullivan’s website.