Sullivan Community Garden Grows More Than Vegetables

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In addition to help from school staff and the community students got to see how the community garden grew. Student gardeners from left: Addy and Asher Hendry, Zaden Hissong, Aubrey and Alex Fultz, and Nora Becker.
•August 15, 2018•
By Turnip Sprout
for the News Progress
Starting a garden on school property began as a way to show city kids where vegetables come from, but it ended up yielding more than produce.
Sullivan Elementary School fourth grade teacher Nichole Hendry had wanted a garden at school for some time, and this year possibility became reality.
“At the end of winter we planted some seeds and placed them in the windows of the classroom,” Hendry recalled how the project sprouted.
When her students saw the plants developed, they pushed her toward finding a way to plant a garden.
“From the start the students wanted to raise vegetables to donate to the Food Pantry,” she continued, noting approval to replace one of two prairie garden plots with the vegetable garden opened the door.
With a lot of help from students, school staff, teachers and volunteers from the community the garden started developing.
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