Sullivan Sends Statement with Conference Win Friday

Photo by Keith Stewart
Nick Frerichs guards Argenta-Oreana's Keegan McHood Friday night. Even with solid Sullivan defense, McHood led the night with 19 points, though it wouldn't prove enough as the Redskins won out 47-39.
Continues on with four-game win streak
by Keith Stewart
To the Okaw Valley Conference–we will be taken seriously–sincerely, Sullivan. #RESPECT #AlliterationIsCool.
That was Friday night’s text message or tweet, or what have you, after Sullivan’s 47-39 victory over conference foe Argenta-Oreana.
“I told them, they had a great opportunity tonight to send a message to the Okaw that they better show up to play us, and I think we did that,” said Sullivan head coach Chester Reeder. “People are going to have to play us well. We’re not perfect by any means. We’re not unbeatable, but people are going to have to show up to play us.”
The Redskins combined four quarters of defense with spurts of perimeter and paint offense to send the Bombers packing Friday night. After a contested first quarter finally gave way with the Redskins leading 12-10, Sullivan pushed ahead in the second.
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