Swimmers Supporting Soldiers Goal Exceeded by Blue Dolphins
•February 8, 2017•

Photo by JD Graham
American Legion members posing with head coach Jason Drury (Navy veteran) and some of the Blue Dolphins, Bob Sims Post Commander, Mike Keown Legion board member, Craig Hendry Air Force veteran, Ann Shaw auxiliary secretary, Ilena Godwin auxiliary president and Melanie Byers auxiliary treasurer.
By J.D. Graham
for the Blue Dolphins
When head coach Jason Drury of the Blue Dolphins set the challenge of 400 items to be collected for the Danville VA Hospital, the swimmers stepped up. Not only did they hit the goal of 400 items, they exceeded it with 767 total items being collected to donate to the hospital.
It is easy to get Drury to talk about the swimmers and the hard work they put into swimming and the pride he has in the team reaching the goal and helping veterans.
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