Taste of the Prairie Gives Lift to Area Businesses
Big turnout makes set up, tear down worthwhile
by Kirk Whitaker
Arthur/Sullivan Reporter

Photo by Keith Stewart
Local artist Benjamin Cohan puts the finishing touches on a scene outside of the Green Mill Village Best Western in Arcola Saturday during the Taste of the Prairie event.
From 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, area artisans, painters, and entrepreneurs gathered in Arcola for the inaugural Taste of the Prareie Business Expo at Arcola’s Green Mill Village.
Of the 46 vendors at the expo, eight were from Moultrie County, including The Flower Pot/Hamilton Street Candle Co, Art by M. Benjamin Cohan of Sullivan, The Kitchen of Doris Yoder, KettleCorn, Lemon Shake Ups by the Walker Family of Lovington, The Pumpkin Patch/The Homestead Bakery of Arthur, Richard Herschberger’s Gallery, Sherry E. Harris’ Watercolors and Swarm Tree Honey Farm.
“Unlike many expos, we had many businesses who were participating in their first expos ever,” said Cassie Yoder, who handles the marketing of Green Mill Village. “We found a lot of participants wanting to break into the storefront who showed off talent from products to food and were allowed to showcase things they had for other areas as well. We had some hidden gems from the area all in one room, and that’s not just something that happens every day.”
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