The Great American Trailer Park Musical is Great Fun!

Photo courtesy Little Theatre
Betty, Pickles and Linoleum lounge in the opening scene of The Great American Trailer Park.
•March 7, 2018•
By Ellen Ferrera
for the News Progress
If you would like to lick the winter doldrums and your funny bone is yearning for a good tickling, do not miss The Great American Trailer Park now playing at The Little Theatre on the Square in Sullivan.
I didn’t stop laughing from curtain rise to curtain end. Hold on to your seats and enjoy the ride.
This little two-act musical takes place in the trailer park of Armadillo Acres which is the trashiest of white trash trailer parks. The curtain rises, and we behold the funky cardboard trailers and the proscenium arch littered with all manner of junk – a mini version of the opening set of “Cats”.
Plopped center stage in their tawdry aluminum lawn chairs are Betty (Heather J. Beck), Pickles (Abby Church), and Linoleum (Sarah Philabaum). They serve as guides through the story and provide some of the best trio harmonies you will ever hear. They open the show with “This Side of the Track” and even the train probably wishes it were somewhere else.
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