“Trucks are for Girls” Day Hosted by Marvin Keller Trucking

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“Trucks are for Girls” Day Hosted by Marvin Keller Trucking
Area Girl Scouts now have another patch to show they learned something new. Marvin Keller Trucking recently partnered with the Women in Trucking Association to sponsor a Trucks are for Girls Event for local Girl Scouts May 19.
Marvin Keller invited Girl Scout troops from Moultrie and Shelby counties for a fun-filled morning of learning. The purpose of the event was to teach the girls about the importance of trucking to our economy while they were able to get an up close view of a tractor-trailer. At the event, the scouts visited several activity stations throughout the Marvin Keller facility. They received their own dispatch, saw a pre-trip inspection, got to climb in a trailer, and even took a ride in a semi-truck. Volunteers who work at Marvin Keller were on site to help the girls with the activities and answer any questions they had about the transportation industry.
The girls each received a Transportation Patch which was created by the Women in Trucking Association in 2014.