Wolf Creek Becomes Medieval Battle Ground

Photo by RR Best
Battleground fights with foam protected weapons allow the medieval warriors to score points and advance to the next level much like popular video games.
•September 30, 2015•
People from all over the country were going medieval on each other at Wolf Creek State Park the weekend of Sept. 17-20.
For the past six years AMTGARD, a medieval combat and role playing organization has staged fantasy combat events at Wolf Creek.
This year’s Keep on the Borderlands theme included the battle for Ravenloff and the ultimate tournament prize — the Hammer of God Cup.
Best described as a video game stuck in the real world about 750 participated in this year’s event at Wolf Creek. There are AMTGARD chapters in all 50 states with medieval role players coming from as far as Alaska and Florida to participate in Windsor.
Over the course of the weekend Ravenloff castle was built and was defended. Groups of 12 fighters face off with foam covered swords and other medieval weapons fighting for points.
Points may be earned by completing objectives-like taking over the castle or through achievements.
Judged by the Reeves (referees) and event coordinators teams may earn points by utilizing good or interesting ways to achieve their objective. Bonus points stem from good sportsmanship during a battle.
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