•September 14, 2022•
The Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance third annual banquet will be held on Saturday, October 1 at 4 pm at the Sullivan VFW, 1132 IL 32 in Sullivan. Doors open at 5:30 pm with dinner served at 6:30 pm. The menu is steak or chicken dinners. Cost is $40 for single, $60 for a couple, $10 for minnow (age 16 and under), $150 for sponsor, $170 for sponsor couple and $1,000 for table sponsor. $10 price increase at the door. There will be raffles, silent auction and live auction. This event is limited to 250 seats. Tickets can be purchased online at https://LSFHABanquet.eventbrite.com. For more information contact Bob Kerans at 217-414-0093 or robert_kerans_559@comcast.net or April Stephens at 217-728-2610 or chipsmarine2@yahoo.com.